The NYSWOA Executive Council had a Zoom meeting on Saturday to discuss the State dues and insurance situation. A letter from Pres. Mike Stephens is attached. WOA dues and insurance were paid earlier this month so our members are covered.  

There has been talk of matches involving Club wrestling and there is wrestling taking place outside  NY and some officials may be involved in this. Be sure Rhodes or Dove are aware if you do this so you will be covered.

Although it was not included in the letter, we should be aware that the only way an official could be held liable is if the official officiated the game & had Covid. Other than that, official would be covered.  We were told that the best advice to tell  officials would be – “if you have an assignment & have cold, flu or you think you have covid symptoms, do not officiate the assignment.”

That’s it for now.

Link to : Mike Stephens Letter 12-12-20

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